Igrunnen bare godt.

Godt: Så kom heldigvis datteren seg der hun sitter i Kristiansand og spiser antibiotika. Det betød at jeg ikke slang meg i bilen og dro dit for å forsøke å fòre henne mens hun hadde ligget slapp i senga. Nå fòrer hun seg selv og kjenner seg litt bedre og er klar for skolegang i morgen tidlig.

Godt: Bill og jeg har vært på hytta og der hadde vi et møte med snekker som fikk høre om våre utbyggingsplaner der , de  svevde foreløpig  uten forankring i virkeligheten . De ble ikke sablet ned men lot seg visst gjennomføre og han kunne ta jobben om ikke denne høsten , så fra neste, så nå kan vi rykke èn plass fram: få i stand tegninger som kan sendes inn til det som forhåpentligvis resulterer i en aksept på kommunenivå.

Godt: Vi fant litt mer molter, vi hadde biffer på bålet (og de ble perfekte) og vi sov godt i stillheten der oppe. Men det skal tilføyes at det var kaldt! Og løvet hadde begynt å bli brunt her og der. Hva er det med det? Molter , visnende løv og blomstrende lyng… litt vel tidlig.  Men pent var det når regnbuen kom på toppen av det hele.

Good thing: The studying daghter is on the mend, eating antibiotics and not needing for me to throw myself in the car and drive down to her in order to feed and nurture her. Instead she is now eating her own prepared food and getting ready for school tomorrow morning.

Good : Bill and I went to the cottage thsi weekend and talked to a carpenter that  didn’t shoot down our hopes and plans on adding on some more roomes to the cottage  and he could do the job next fall/winter. That means we can go ahead with drawings and send them in for what hoepfully results in approval from the commune.


Good: We found some more cloudberries, we had steaks on the fire outside (and they were perfect) and we slept like logs in the silence up there. But I have to add that it was cold and the leaves had started turning brown.

What’s with that?! Withering leaves, the end of cloudberry season and flowering heather a few weeks too early. But it was pretty when the rainbow framed it all!

I’m over here:

LISBETHBULA. AGAIN  I’d love for you to come visit! 🙂

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Man, it’s hot and sticky

I had to start another blog in order to continue. Please go to: hhtp ://lisbethbula.wordpress.com   and if you have my on your list of Favourites etc, please change it. See ya!

Staying at home most days of my vacation- and high temperatures like we are having now- means that I have extremely slow mornings and have to go slow during the day.  I always walk around witha a little devil whispering from it’s place on my shoulder: You have to do more useful things aound the house. But it feels like I don’t get much done. Then comes late afternoon and I realize I’ve done quite a few things after all- AND have had time to relax and enjoy my day.

Today it feels especially hot and sticky- they called for some rain showers in the late afternoon/evening. And it looks like it’s true from underneat my big umbrella on the porch:


I’m soaked and in great need of a shower since I have

1. Done laundry, taken care of untidiness (in every room!)

2. vacuumed and emptied and filled dishwasher

3. Started cleaning out the storage room in the basement. NOT  a job done in a day!

Carly is off to a friend where they have a pool. Kristi is totally hung up on Sims3 when she isn’t talking to me. She is leaving for a week’s national scout camp on Friday and should probably start thinking about packing… I should remind her.

Bill is coming back a day early from his out- of-town office since he wants to finish some work on the porch deck before we attend the funeral for his best friend/previous boss onFriday. Most likely we’ll have four-five co-workers over for lunch after since they all live a couple of hours’ drive from here.

No creative time so far today, but I’m bringing my crochet out to the porch now to sit around listening to the radio, drinking cold juice for a half hour.

Couldn’t help it

I finished my big wallpaper journal a little while ago, and I missed the possibilities the  big spread gave me. So now I have started another. This morning I was up (too)  early and did the front and back:





The photoes turned out hazy and bad, unfortunaltely. Maybe I’ll try again later. Here are front and back together:


Kristi got her hair cut yesterday and Carly and I waited for her outside the hair salon. We brought supplies to pass the time…


This is the very nice result:


In the afternoon Bill and I shopped for  a barbeque : Steaks, baked potato, peas, asparagus. Red wine. (And later cake and ice cream)


We watched “Mall Cop” after that. it was FUNNY!

-Talking about movies, Sunday night we watched “KNOWING”. That was very suspensful. Kind of suspensful in the same way as “Signs” that came out a few years ago..

Tonight Bill is out of town, Carly is expecting a friend, I have cleaned upstairs- with some assistance from the girls, we had chicken burgers at the fast food place in town (that is a couple of notches up from the big franchises, thank goodness) and I have taken out this crochet curtain to work on tonight. ( My eternal project that is hidden away for months at a time..)Did a few rounds in the morning, too.


Wedding anniversary

Today, Hubby and I have been married for 19 years. Every year we’ve had to rummage to find our marriage certificate and check the date to be sure we remembered correctly. This year I double checked in advance. The date itself isn’t that important, but we usually make a point out of doing something for ourselves around that time. This year we haven’t really planned anything. Beside, Bill’s best friend just died on Thursday, the funeral is on Friday. This has made us think even more about how lucky we are to be here, now, in this life situation. Especially after Bill was in a serious car accident three years ago. Sure there are things we wish were different, there are people we wish we had closer to us since we are far away from his family in  Canada. But still: Happy Anniversary, Hubby. I love you.I’m lucky.

New journal spread


Photoes from our beach days


We are lucky to have this beach nearby. Get in the car and drive for 25 minutes along the lake and there’s the beach/campsite for anyone to enjoy. The kids go swimming no matter how cold, I need a couple of weeks of good temperatures and sunny weather in order to venture in.

Emma used to stay home when we went there the other summers, she whined and was restless about it when she was younger. Now she’s six, a middle aged lady, so to speak, so she’s more relaxed in public.  But when the girls go swimming she’s on her toes, constantly looking for them. If they go to the other side of the little “pier”, she occationally whines for them. When they come up for lunch or to lay in the sun she relaxes and has a nap.

Where are the girls?


Oh, there they are:


They’re up and resting now:DSC04647(1)

so then I can have a nap:


Beach day

The girls and I – and the dog- spent the afternoon on the beach by the lake. In order to get there we have to drive for about 25 minutes. It’s such a lovely place, but for me the water is wayyyyy too cold still. The girls, and their friend whom we brought with us, did not hesitate about getting in. Good for them. I’m just fine with staying in the shade- occationally in the sun with my book or my crochet, chatting to an occational aquaintance walking by..

We are planning to repeat it tomorrow. And the mornings are so slow here now that it is swallowed up by getting up later than usual, having slow breakfasts, putting on some laundry, getting a few necessities or a fresh loaf of bread from the grocery store..

and writing some  thoughts on prepped journal pages

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or prepping some new ones..

